Product Overview
The A102 is the dual port version of Sangoma's family of Advanced, Flexible Telecommunications (AFT) hardware designed for optimum support of voice and data over T1, E1 and J1.
With a PCI Express (A102-X) form factor, the A102 provides up to 8.2Mbps of full duplex data throughput or 60 voice calls over two T1 and or E1 lines to support high performance PCI-based routing and telephony systems. Advanced clocking features allow E1 and T1 lines to be mixed with full synchronization. As part of Sangoma's AFT range of products, the A102 makes use of the same high performance PCI express interface that has been deployed in large quantities all over the world. Like all the Sangoma AFT family, the A102 is field upgradeable to take advantage of hardware and software improvements as they become available.
Model: A102-X (PCI-e)
Revision: 1.1
Condition: Used, Tested Working
Operating systems: Linux (all versions, releases and distributions from 1.0 up), FreeBSD, Open BSD (X.25, BSC and SS7 NOT available on BSD)
Two T1/E1 ports with a single PCI-e interface for high performance voice and data applications.
TDM clocking mode: Network timing can be passed from a network -connected
DS0 to any or all of the other ports. Both T1 and E1 are supported simultaneously, making it possible to mix T1 channel banks and E1 networks with full channel synchronization.
Line decoding: HDB3, AMI, B8ZS. Framing: CRC4, non-CRC4, ESF, D4T1/E1.
Support for the Asterisk, OPAL Yate, FreeSwitch PBX/IVR projects, as well as other Open Source and proprietary PBX/Switch/IVR/VoIP gateway applications.
All Sangoma's AFT products, including the A102 card use the same base PCI'e interface card, and the same professionally engineered firmware on the same family of Field Programmable Gate Arrays
1 Lane PCI Express bus.
Dimensions: 2U Form factor: 120mm x 55 mm for use in restricted chassis.
Power: 800mA peak, operational 300mA max at +3.3v or 5v.
Temperature range: 0-50C.
Intelligent hardware: Downloadable Field Programmable Gate Array programming with multiple operating modes. Field upgradeable so that new features related to voice and/or data can be added when they become available.
Ring buffer DMA handling for minimum host intervention and guaranteed data integrity on high volume systems.
Supports Robbed Bit Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) and ISDN PRI.
T1/E1 and fractional T1/E1, multiple channel HDLC per line for mixed data/TDM voice applications.
Optimized per channel DMA streams and hardware-level HDLC handling unload the host CPU.
EDAC (patent pending) technology will be integrated to drastically reduce the cost of echo cancellation.
Field upgradeable hardware allows for new TDM-related functions to be added as they become available.
Raw bitstream interfaces can be used to support arbitrary non-standard line protocols such as non-byte aligned monosynch or bisynch.
WAN data connection is supported by Sangomas standard WANPIPE routing stack, and is completely independent of TDM voice application for total system reliability.
WANPIPE supports certified, field tested and reliable Frame Relay, PPP, HDLC and X.25.